Session: Talk – THATCamp University of Cincinnati 2016 Just another THATCamp site Tue, 03 May 2016 19:31:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Reverse-Engineering Digital Humanities Projects Tue, 03 May 2016 19:31:08 +0000

Reverse-Engineering The Clio:

  1. Continue seeking sponsors
  2. Coming up with training videos, continuing responses to users, etc.
  3. Received grant funding
  4. Applied for a grant to seek funding to make improvements.
  5. Launched; now has thousands of submissions.
  6. Same PhP database. Had to have a prototype. It was important to be able to figure how systems could work with each other. Everything they create was in a draft mode. Institutions and classrooms. Three diff ways for entries to be created. Making sure double entries didn’t happen. Testing happened.
  7. Recruited friends and colleagues to test.
  8. Created paper versions of Clio. Testing to avoid miscommunications, etc.
  9. DIY approach. Came up with one semester project with students. Everybody picked five historic sites that they cared about.
  10. Contact Yelp and others about the project; wanted to include links to articles, books, etc.

Reverse-Engineering Global Renaissance project

We hazarded some guesses based on data available.

  • Connected data with EEBO
  • Input from spreadsheet with data; texts available.
  • Recruited students for help.
  • Applied for Grinnell Innovation Fund
  • Conceptualized project internally at Grinnell

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Getting Started in the Digital Humanities

Proposal: Ethics and privacy in social media archives Mon, 02 May 2016 13:59:37 +0000

As archivists and other records professionals begin to capture more hashtags, social media feeds, and websites as part of contemporary archival activities, how should we re-conceive of these activities within an ethical framework? There are significant privacy concerns associated with capturing a hashtag used by marginalized groups, activists, and those at risk of harassment online and offline. On the other hand, without acting quickly to capture ephemeral social media content, it is often impossible to recover it at a later date (for example, the Twitter API only provides the last 7 days of tweets).

This discussion will look at current developments within the archivist community to address these issues, as well as formulating possible responses for how UC archivists and librarians should contend with such issues.

Virtual Play as a Tool to Understand Implications of Technology Mon, 02 May 2016 12:22:35 +0000


Virtual communities are being used extensively in online education to create learning communities and foster collaborative learning. I would like to speak on my experience using Second Life as an inquiry-based, collaborative tool in an online implications of technology class where students were asked to explore the social, legal, and ethical aspects of computing technology by treating Second Life (SL) as a microcosmic representation of real life. This virtual play project lead to interesting critical reflections by students on the effect of virtual environments, and by extension, various technological tools on our individual digital lives. I hope this presentation would help other educators/technologists generate ideas on more innovative uses of technology as a critical pedagogical tool.

Archiving the Digital Humanities – Digital Humanities at the University of Cincinnati and Scholar@UC Mon, 25 Apr 2016 19:58:56 +0000

What are the digital repository and longer term preservation use cases for the Digital Humanities?  Are these use cases different or parallel to use cases from other fields?  Are there best practices to be incorporated into Digital Humanities projects – when longer term preservation is desired?

Scholar@UC is in production as the institutional repository for the University of Cincinnati.  Partnered by the University of Cincinnati Libraries and IT@UC, it is sustained by a commitment to digital preservation.  It is based on open source software furthered by Project Hydra.   Let’s collaboratively explore how a digital repository such as Scholar@UC can actively support the Digital Humanities.

submitted by Linda Newman, Head of Digital Collections and Repositories, University of Cincinnati Libraries.

Proposal: Integrating Library Resources Fri, 15 Apr 2016 18:56:46 +0000

“If you build it, they will come”- ?

Libraries have ever more sophisticated user interfaces for discovering collections and services. But are we really meeting users where they live?

Would users find more value in library services and collections if they were available where they already are?  Mobile, Blackboard (Or other Learning sytems), Portals?

What about customization? Should users be able to save (my journals, my articles) resources?

What about other tools (Browzine).

Let’s Brainstorm!



