Category Archives: Session Proposals

Proposals for unconference sessions from THATCamp participants.

Proposal: What Would We Do with a UC Game Lab?

What is a game lab and, well, what would we at UC do with one?

This session concerns the foundation of a UC Game Lab in conjunction with the new Film & Media Studies B.A. in A&S and the Game Art Design certificate in DAAP. Given that the Game Studies discipline has been growing by leaps and bounds since the mid-1990s, it is time that UC join the scholarly and institutional conversation.

Note that the topic does not concern if we had a game lab – those processes are already in motion.
Instead, it concerns what we would do with one, including research projects, teaching and learning opportunities, and lessons in the ephemerality of the digital archive.

Archiving the Digital Humanities – Digital Humanities at the University of Cincinnati and Scholar@UC

What are the digital repository and longer term preservation use cases for the Digital Humanities?  Are these use cases different or parallel to use cases from other fields?  Are there best practices to be incorporated into Digital Humanities projects – when longer term preservation is desired?

Scholar@UC is in production as the institutional repository for the University of Cincinnati.  Partnered by the University of Cincinnati Libraries and IT@UC, it is sustained by a commitment to digital preservation.  It is based on open source software furthered by Project Hydra.   Let’s collaboratively explore how a digital repository such as Scholar@UC can actively support the Digital Humanities.

submitted by Linda Newman, Head of Digital Collections and Repositories, University of Cincinnati Libraries.

Proposal: Digital Humanities in the “Ordinary” Classroom: A History Experience (And Yours!)

In fall 2015, I debuted a 2000-level class on Early Modern European History at UC Blue Ash. Because I wanted to do something different than the normal survey, I began to brainstorm ways I could incorporate the Digital Humanities into an otherwise ordinary classroom set-up, with students who would be, for better or worse, expecting that entirely ordinary classroom. In this session, I therefore propose to discuss the ways in which I brought DH into the course, including particular assignments, and I invite others to discuss their own ways they made an ordinary course suddenly unusual with the addition of new technological tools. Questions we’d consider together include what kind of assignments work best for this and how to handle student technological failures or challenges. (Because as we know, they will happen!)

Proposal: Integrating Library Resources

“If you build it, they will come”- ?

Libraries have ever more sophisticated user interfaces for discovering collections and services. But are we really meeting users where they live?

Would users find more value in library services and collections if they were available where they already are?  Mobile, Blackboard (Or other Learning sytems), Portals?

What about customization? Should users be able to save (my journals, my articles) resources?

What about other tools (Browzine).

Let’s Brainstorm!